Do not lose the opportunity to trade your skins on this unique bot-less marketplace! Our marketplace does not use any Steam bot accounts. You transfer items directly to the buyer only when the deal is confirmed, so your skins can not be blocked on our bots. Also Steam can not interfere in our business by blocking our account because we do not have any.

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Item information


Description in left column not decribe every deal bellow. Individual items, can have some different styles, runes, stickers and so on. To check individual item properties mouse over or tap on item name.

If you buy from Offline seller (red square before nickname), except instant deals (gold buy icon) - you should wait when user will return and transfer your item (usually, less than 12 hours).

To buy items sign-in with your Steam account.
Group identical items Create buy request
Item nameBuyerPriceCount
The Pilotka
$0.02 3

Item nameSellerPrice
The Pilotka
Registered: 28.11.2015 Buy, sell, errors: 42609 / 12144 / 2351 Transfer time: 140 mins All seller's items
The Pilotka
Registered: 28.11.2015 Buy, sell, errors: 42609 / 12144 / 2351 Transfer time: 140 mins All seller's items

Sell history (candlestick chart)

Last sold items items purchase rules

  1. If you Confirm the purchase you will automatically accept our USER AGREEMENT.
  2. This purchase is not instant.
  3. After the confirmation of purchase the seller will receive the notification about the sale and has to transfer the item to your account. If the item will not be transferred during 30 minutes - you can cancel the deal and take your money back.
    You can give more time to the seller by not cancelling the deal
  4. If the seller is OnLine at the moment (the mark beside his name is green) – it is highly likely that he can transfer the Item to you within minutes.
  5. After transfer of the item, your Steam account will automatically receive the trade offer with the item bought.
  6. If the possibility of exchange is blocked for your account for any reason, you will not be able to receive the item! To avoid it - check the possibility of exchange via the Steam, following this link. You should see the exchange window, not the error message. Don’t make any offers, please! INSTANT items purchase rules

  1. If you Confirm the purchase you will automatically accept our USER AGREEMENT.
  2. Instant purchase means Item already on our bot's account, and you can take it instantly.
  3. After the confirmation of purchase you can take item on "TRANSFER OF ITEMS" page.
  4. It’s important! You should accept the offer (take the item) within 4 hours. After that time we cannot guarantee you the safety of the Item bought anymore. It is related to the possibility of blocking of our bot by the Steam support with any reason.
  5. If the possibility of exchange is blocked for your account for any reason, you will not be able to receive the item or your money back! To avoid it - check the possibility of exchange via the Steam, following this link. You should see the exchange window, not the error message. Don’t make any offers, please!

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