Do not lose the opportunity to trade your skins on this unique bot-less marketplace! Our marketplace does not use any Steam bot accounts. You transfer items directly to the buyer only when the deal is confirmed, so your skins can not be blocked on our bots. Also Steam can not interfere in our business by blocking our account because we do not have any.


Chat rules

This document is set rules and regulations that must be followed in's chat. Violation of these rules will result in a chat ban for a period from 24 hours prior to a permanent lock.
Rules needed for a normal healthy dialogue. The concept of "healthy dialogue" is defined by these Rules and the personal opinion of the administration.
Rules are not discussed. Service administration reserves the right to modify and change this Rules any time.

  • Allowed in our chat:
    • 1. Discuss the details of the purchase with the seller. Get more information about the item or discuss the price (within reason).
    • 2. Ask questions about the service and help new users to learn the different functions of the site.
    • 3. Advertising your items, emphasizing their advantages, features and price. But without spam.
    • 4. Discuss any topics concerning the games or Steam platform, if the topic is interested to other users.
    • 5. Ask questions to administration in the "SUPPORT" tab and other users to answer in this tab only if you are sure your answer is correct.
    • 6. To propose new service functions and discuss them with other members of the chat.
  • Prohibited in our chat:
    • 1. Any deals outside this service will be scam attempts in 95% of cases. Don't give you TradeURL, Steam account, Skype detail in chat. Your items can be stolen and scammers involve much methods to do this..
    • 2. Any act of rudeness and insult to the participants, provocation of strife and debate in the chat.
    • 3. The messages do not carry any meaning.
    • 4. Begging or requests to set excessively low price on some item.
    • 5. Set similar message consecutive or in visible chat area.
    • 6. Advertising other services and sending links to any third-party resources.
    • 7. Disrespectful messages to the administration or support service.